Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Journey to Matheran

31st May, 2009

5:ooam : Before the crows were awake, we four friends headed towards Andheri station for catching a local train. As I reached the station I was wrong, poeple were already there busy running on platforms to catch their respective trains.

We quickly jumped into a fast train which took us to Dadar. At Dadar we waited for the train which would take us to Neral. So we had to wait 45minutes at the station. Spent time by watching people, everyone was in a hurry to reach their destination. Had some idli, vada and dosa at the platform. The stomach felt good.

Then it was time for the train to arrive, we were ready to board the train as soon as it comes. But within few seconds the platform was thriving with passengers, I just prayed they were not going to board the same time. But unfortunately when the train arrived on the platform ,the whole crowd on teh platform rushed towards the train. We tried to push in but in vain. We were left on the platform and the train started moving.

I could not board on the train. Neither could we return neither there was another train which could take us to Neral. Then after enquiring we boarded on a train which took us to Kalyan- a local train. From tehre onards to Neral. A cab from there took us to MATHERAN. At last...